Unsere Paten

Unsere Paten

Unsere Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage hat drei Paten:



 Dr. Wolfgang Kunert, Regierungspräsident der Oberpfalz a.D. (seit 2006)


Das Hip Hop – Duo Demograffics mit Maniac (Achim Schneemann, rechts im Bild) und Rufflow (Ralph Mild) seit 2017

1st verse
See everyone looking to be loved,
no superficial free hugs and what would you do jesus.
He’d teach us: to rather have the nature feed us,
with basic features, than have our plates laced with gene drugs.
But we’re following make-believers instead of making peace and defeating the struggle in each of us.
i’m just trying to lift the people up –
head high, shoulders out, like there is no need to duck.
No need to fuss when you got someone who you really trust.
If you believe in love, then you will never let your dreams be crushed.
Many faults i’m ready to regret –
yes it’s hard to never disrespect –
let’s be honest and never indirect –
so we can come together and connect.
2nd verse
we’re left alone and now we gotta rise together.
Who cares if your god or my god is better?
Have we thought about puttin your god and my god togehter?
Teamwork has always been proven to fix the problems better! Right?
Guess we have not considered –
think cause we throw images on instagram, we got the picture.
A little mix of twitter messages and bible scriptures –
mind is kept unconcious, though we all should get some knowledge in us.
Preoccupied with stock and market figures,
but we all share one energy field that the cosmos gives us.
So lets learn how to use it and connect again,
music is the precious gem, universal medicin! PEACE